Everything you need to know about scrum and its artifacts

scrum and its artifacts

Scrum is a framework that assists teamwork in collaborating and working together. Scrum is based on the principle that a team learns things gradually, like in a rugby match in which players face difficult situations and overcome them through teamwork and by learning from past mistakes. The team has to reflect on its gains and losses to continuously improve itself. 

Scrum is a framework used by software development teams in their regular course of business but, its principles can be applied in any type of teamwork. This is the reason why scrum is the first choice of software development teams, certified scrum master training online defines the purpose of scrum is to help teams structure and manage their work using a combination of meetings, tools, and roles.

Agile and Scrum 

In general parlance, people use the terms ‘agile’ and ‘scrum’ interchangeably. There exists a subtle difference between both the terms, the agile is not the synonym for the term scrum, you should know this distinction, if you want to know how to become a scrum master

Agile is a philosophy; which calls for continuous improvement in teamwork, the core principles of agile philosophy have been articulated in the agile manifesto. It represents an overarching software development philosophy, emphasizing adopting techniques to quickly satisfy customers. Agile is only a philosophy, a mindset to develop better teamwork. 

Scrum is the framework that works on agile philosophy, without scrum one cannot go agile. Scrum is the framework that helps in implementing the agile philosophy, scrum is execution and agile is the mindset. Scrum is the most prominent framework of agile it’s based on the philosophy of; continuous learning and fluctuating factors. It is based on the assumption that the team cannot anticipate everything at the start of the project but will try to adapt itself to the fluctuating factors. Scrum is designed to help teams naturally adapt to fluctuating conditions and client’s requirements, with re-prioritization built into the process so your team can constantly learn and improvise and adapt to new circumstances. 

Scrum artifacts 

Scrum works primarily on three artifacts; the product backlog, the sprint and the increment. these artefacts can also be understood as a tool, which we implement in the scrum framework to achieve our goals. Let’s us understand these terms more deeply.

Product backlog

It can be understood as a ‘to-do list’, it contains primary work that needs to be done on a project, this list is maintained by the product manager or the product owner. This list acts as a blue map throughout the product development stage, the list holder revisits the product backlog to revise, and re-prioritises the backlog as the market demands change continuously so, as to solve a problem by a new method.  

Sprint backlog 

In the scrum, the team works in cycles, Sprint backlog means a list of tasks which the team will execute in a cycle. for instance, a cycling team can decide to fix the bugs or conduct a test run. Before a sprint cycle, the team meets and decides the issues to be taken up in the next sprint cycle.


Increment follows the sprint backlog; whatever the team achieves in the sprint cycle is explained in increment, increment means ‘things done. Everything that is achieved in the sprint cycle is shown up in this stage. Many teams deliver the product to the owner in parts, they show the product to the owner after each sprint cycle, so that the product owner can make changes according to his needs.

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