Category: Technology

How SharePoint Online Recycle Bin works for Deleted files

SharePoint even keeps its trash organized. You might be stuck in a situation where you need a deleted file back or remove something permanently.  Once you start working with SharePoint to handle projects, there is no going back. It would help if you learned how to retain data effectively using its unique features and functionalities. […]

Handling Information Overload with Confluence Project Management Software

Using the project management solution to its full potential can help teams identify the most important item on their to-do lists, find the information they are looking for and execute better decisions with the knowledge base. Companies can fall prey to information overload especially when they have access to different software, databases, and communication channels. […]

Best Ways to Resolve Issue on Facebook Messenger

One of the most frustrating things that can happen is when your Facebook Messenger is not working properly. Whether it’s during the sending or receiving of a message, it can freeze up. To fix the problem, force closing the app. To do this, open the settings menu on your phone and swipe out. For Android […]

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