Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline


Recovery from almost any operation, including rhinoplasty, is mostly dependent on the individual, with everyone having their timeline. To give you a general sense of what to expect following a rhinoplasty, we will discuss the average patient’s rhinoplasty recovery timetable.

In most cases, initial recuperation normally lasts one week. And so, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to unwind, sleep on your stomach or prop yourself up with pillows and ice packs, and binge-watch episodes of your favorite Series.

If everything went well by the end of the first week, or perhaps the second week, you’ll be pleased with the outcomes.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty: A Few Facts

On the first day, you might experience some swelling, soreness and bruising after rhinoplasty. Nonetheless, your discomfort will subside after the first week, when your surgeon removes the sutures and packing (if any).

You will be in the intermediate recovery phase from one to three months. Thus your nose’s appearance should improve daily. After this point, people may start noticing your new look. However, it might not be too apparent for untrained viewers. You’ll still have significant swelling near the nose tip, which others may not see.

After one year, you should have completely recovered. Although your nose’s look will change with time, rhinoplasty is a permanent operation that should leave you satisfied with your nose for the longest time.

Now that you have an overview of rhinoplasty rehabilitation let’s examine the specifics.

Good Preparation Can Shorten Recuperation

Before surgery, your surgeon should have given you rhinoplasty pre-surgical and recovery guidelines. These include:

  • Find a friend to drive you to and from your surgery and spend the first night following with you.
  • Avoid taking some prescription or over-the-counter medications, particularly those that can cause excessive bleeding, such as vitamin E, fish oil, and aspirin. Unless instructed, do not stop using any prescription medications.
  • Quit smoking at least two weeks before your Rhinoplasty treatment. The nicotine in tobacco can lead to blood vessel constriction, reducing the amount of oxygen that travels within your body.
  • Get your pain medication and wedge pillow beforehand from the pharmacy. This will allow you to lie down semi-upright to reduce post-rhinoplasty edema.
  • Purchase several packs of frozen peas from the supermarket. They make great, form-fitting ice packs for the nose during healing from rhinoplasty.
  • Be careful with your button-front shirts. You don’t want your nasal splint or dressing to become caught on when undressing, inflicting injury to your nose.

Day of the Operation

Recovery begins on the day of surgery when you are escorted to the recuperating room. There, you will be gently roused from anesthesia. You may not recall these early hours following surgery in the future. Your surgeon will apply a nasal splint.

If packing is not required, an appealing drip pad will be put between your nostrils to absorb the small quantity of blood that may emerge during your first night following rhinoplasty. As the recuperation period for rhinoplasty commences, you will experience nasal pressure and sinus congestion. After your post-operative pain medications have worn off, you’ll experience some pain; thus, you could always take pain medicine at home. Alternatively, you can use the frozen peas packet to reduce edema and relieve pressure.

When the bleeding stops, start cleaning your little nasal incision regularly with hydrogen peroxide. To prevent a crust from building under your nostrils, apply ointment.

You may consume food if you so desire. However, please don’t make it yourself. Here’s when your friend comes in. Remember, there may be some residual grogginess after surgery, and you don’t want to fall or hit your newly repaired nose on anything! Let your friend help.

2 to 3 Days Following Rhinoplasty

You’ll be in the “uncomfortable” phase during the first few days following rhinoplasty. Perhaps, you’ll be unable to inhale through your nostrils or smell anything.

Be sure to keep your phone beside your recliner should you need to contact your surgeon. These are some of the most terrible, although they are typically not painful. On a scale from 0 to 10, most clients score their pain as a 3 or 4 out of 10. Don’t forget to take your painkillers.

Also, you might experience nausea or insomnia in breathing because of mouth-breathing. Be sure to sleep with your torso supported by two large pillows to reduce edema. This also reduces bruising and stops bleeding.

You may resume modest activity at this time. However, try not to lean over, blow your nose, or attempt to lift anything weighing more than 5 pounds. Avoid Aspirin, Advil, and Motrin.

If your surgeon placed packing, they’d remove it once these days are over.

After the First Week

Typically, your surgeon will remove the stitches and nasal splint after this first week. Although there would still be some swelling, it won’t be overwhelming. Some patients return to work after this week, although they don’t partake in strenuous activities.

During the next two months, limiting sun exposure by wearing a helmet or avoiding exposure completely is essential.

Week 2 Post-Rhinoplasty

Ten days after your surgery, you’ll have minimal to no bruising. They’ll be no longer visible to the naked eye. On day eight, you can return to work or school; however, some patients are told to take two weeks off for recuperation.

3 – 4 Weeks Post-Rhinoplasty

Between the third and fourth week, you should return to your typical exercise and physical activity, albeit with low intensity. Be sure to avoid contact sports and high-intensity activities or exercises. However, if you wear a mask, it may give extra protection. Always consult the surgeon.

By the end of these weeks, your swelling would have disappeared, with the tip taking the longest to recede. This would make your nose appear more refined.

2 to 3 Months Following Rhinoplasty

Any swelling close to the nasal bridge should have fully dissipated at this stage. There may still be some unresponsiveness at the tip of your nose. This is normal, and the sensation should return gradually. The scar from a surgical incision will begin to diminish.

One Year after the Surgery

After one year, there will be no visible signs that you went under the knife apart from the change in your nose’s shape and symmetry.

While there are risks to getting a nose job, including nosebleeds, a numb nose, scars and breathing difficulties, a rhinoplasty should enhance your facial appearance when done by an expert.

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