Taqwa Meaning In Urdu
Literally taqwa meaning in urdu is ( کسی شے سے دور رہنے،اس سے بچنے یااسے چھوڑنے ہی کے ہوتے ہیں) and in English (to stay away from something, to avoid it or to give it up). The meaning of taqwa is that man should perform the duties which God Almighty has imposed on him, that is, he should perform his duties and abstain from mahrams. This is the first time of piety. Taqwa is such an attribute that if it takes root in the heart of a nation, then that nation becomes like a strong fortress into which no one can enter.
In short, in the context of the definition of piety, it can be said that it is the name of the state of the heart in the presence of which man tries to avoid every action which is displeasing to Allah.
In the same way that intention is the lifeblood of every action, it is also a major factor in piety. Then the truth of piety is attained, otherwise if the thought is a disgrace or a disgraceful cadre or any action is taken for show, then there will be no piety.
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Levels of Taqwa
The first level: To protect oneself from polytheism by fearing the punishment of the Hereafter is taqwa. (Anwar al-Tanzeel, vol. I, p.16) It happens that monotheism is ingrained in his veins and soul. Although everyone acknowledges that God is the same, there are few who think that the purpose is the same. The pious consider polytheism to be a great injustice. And the arrogant saints are not monotheists but a great crime. Just as it is disbelief to associate anyone with the attributes of God, so it is blasphemy to think of the prophets and messengers as one’s own or to know oneself as theirs. Glory be to God. Amen or Lord of the worlds.
The importance of Taqwa
A pious life does not make a person a role model. A Muslim is not only bound by a set of rules in his collective life but he also builds and purifies his life according to a constitution and law in his individual life. Walking and words and deeds are for the attainment of divine pleasure. The importance of piety can be gauged from the fact that the Holy Prophet (sws) was once asked: “Who are the people of the Prophet’s family?” He said: “The pious.” In addition, the whole system of worship in Islam aims to make people “pious”.
The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) often prayed for “taqwa”. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masood (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I ask you for guidance, piety and chastity.”
Effects of Taqwa
The adoption of Islamic character, ie piety, has innumerable effects on the life of a Muslim. In the light of the Qur’an, we take a quick look at the effects of piety.
Real Taqwa and prosperity
Man remains at a loss and a loss until he receives guidance from the system of revelation. Conscience and intellect prove to be insufficient for guidance. If he does not turn to his Creator and Guide, he often makes wrong decisions. His mental and mental powers do not become his companions in the intricate paths of life. He suffers when he reaches here. If he recognizes the “system of guidance” of his Creator and Master, who has been guiding humanity through the prophets in different periods, then nature gives him the message of prosperity.
Those whose hearts are devoid of faith and whose deeds are contrary to the Qur’an and Sunnah, of course they are human beings, but they are destined to be harmed if they do not adhere to the “system of revelation”.
“Surely man is in loss” (Al-Asr 2)
The Qur’an uses the term “welfare” to describe harm and piety has a special significance in terms of “welfare”. Having described the pious in chapter 6, Jesus’ Al ” says the Lord of glory, says: ‘These are on guidance from their Lord, and those encounters and Kamran too.’ “(Al 5)
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