Neurology is the study of our brain and the nervous system. Neurological disorders are the malfunctions of our brain and the system of nerves associated with it. As the brain is the most vital human organ, neurological issues should be handled and treated with specialized care.
This article can enlighten readers about the neurological condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia. You should use this just to gain knowledge and understanding of Trigeminal Neuralgia, and please do not use this for diagnostic or treatment purposes. Trigeminal Neuralgia happens if the 5th cranial nerve is affected. This is characterized by piercing or stabbing facial pain.
Any neurological health issues or all health problems should be diagnosed properly and treated clinically in a recognized and reputed medical center. So, consider the South Valley Neurology which is the number one multi-specialty neurology practice in the South Bay. You can use the book appointment link or call them using the number on their website to book.
Maybe, before you schedule an appointment, you should also head to the review section of their website to read what their customers have to say about their experiences and how they have rated it to be the best neurology service. The best thing about this community neurology practice is that every staff that works there is trained to take personal care of the patients.
Causes of Trigeminal Neuralgia
The following are some of the major and less common reasons why trigeminal neuralgia occurs:
- There are blood vessels all over our bodies. Arteries carry oxygenated blood to all the body parts and the veins carry back the deoxygenated blood to the heart. Sometimes the arteries around the trigeminal nerve cause a tight loop around it, which can compress the nerve at its base, causing this problem
- Where the trigeminal nerve, which is the 5th cranial nerve, enters the brain stem, very rarely the veins can compress the nerve at its entry point causing trigeminal neuralgia.
- The 5th cranial nerve could be compressed by a tumor forming in and around the nerve.
- In rare cases, similar compression of the trigeminal nerve can be caused by an arteriovenous malformation. That can also be due to multiple sclerosis plaques.
Know these things about Trigeminal Neuralgia
The patients suffer from sharp pain and the pulsating pain lasts for a few seconds to a minute or even two. The pain attacks recur regularly and it can even go up to a hundred attacks per day. Generally, only one side of the face is affected by this.
With proper medical care and attention, if you can apply this knowledge about this condition, you are just a few steps away from healing from it. Caring for our health will be just a bit more manageable when you have the right kind of information.
Do write to us and share your personal experience with trigeminal neuralgia and your success story of how you handled it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section.