If you have been involved in a car accident and have hired a personal injury lawyer Sacramento, you deserve the best possible customer service. As a client, you should feel comfortable calling your attorney and are entitled to know what is the progress of your case. All successful attorneys know that communication is essential for building a solid relationship between the client and lawyer.
Regular communication is crucial to a positive outcome for a client.
The process of a personal injury case takes effort and time. Clear communication and regular updates to a client are the significant parts of educating a client and building a solid case. If you have any concerns and questions throughout the entire process, you are entitled to get them answered.
A licensed personal injury attorney has a legal responsibility to communicate consistently with his clients and the significant developments of a client’s case. If you have experienced difficulty in getting calls and getting your emails answered promptly from your injury lawyer in Sacramento, this is not a good sign for your case.
An average personal injury lawyer may not give as much importance to communication needed in a personal injury case.
How often should I hear from my attorney?
Lack of communication in the case can indicate that your case is not progressing well. It’s essential to communicate with your attorney and hear from them as much as possible throughout the entire process. You should generally hear from your attorney every three weeks during your case.
But in addition, your lawyer should be promptly available to answer any questions and concerns you have within the period of your case. A car accident or personal injury lawyer needs to counsel and communicate with you about what is going on with your claim.
You should also hear from your lawyer about the negotiations with insurance adjusters, difficulties showing up in your case, medical bills and medical records, settlement amount offered, if any, and more things which you are required to know. Getting updates from your lawyer regarding your case will help reduce your stress, allowing you to recover faster.
How does regular communication strengthen your case?
If you have been involved in a car accident, constant communication with your auto accident lawyer Sacramento helps educate a client on every step of the process.
So, whether it’s your recovery phase, preparing you for the discovery phase, or assuring you don’t create gaps in your medical treatment, regular communication with your lawyer strengthens your case. This helps you to stay updated throughout the whole process and be informed about the chances of success.
To bottom it up
A sign that tells you to have a good and professional lawyer for your car accident case is providing each client with honest communication regarding their case. The more you know about the issue and process, the better are the chances of reaching the maximum or full settlement you deserve. Plus, you will be ready to make the right decisions regarding personal injury cases.