5 Packaging Artwork Strategies For Faster Approvals

Packaging Artwork

Packaging managers face many challenges when it comes to getting their products approved by the various regulatory agencies. In some cases, the artwork is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome. This blog post will outline several different strategies that packaging managers can use to get their artwork approved faster. By understanding the different approval processes and using the right tools and techniques, you can streamline the entire process and get your products to market more quickly.

1. Having a well-organized and complete submission will help to avoid delays

Delays in the submission process can be costly for a packaging manager. By having a well-organized and complete submission, you can avoid these delays and help to get your product to market faster. This blog post will highlight some of the key aspects of a successful submission. 

Packaging managers are responsible for ensuring that their products reach consumers in the most efficient way possible. To do this, they must navigate through a complex web of regulations and requirements from governing bodies. One important part of this process is the submission stage, where managers submit detailed information about their product to regulatory agencies. Unfortunately, many packaging managers delay or even avoided submitting products due to a lack of knowledge or confusion about what is required. Successful submission is complete and well-organized. These types of submissions will allow managers to avoid many of the obstacles that prevent products from hitting store shelves.

2. Label all files correctly and in order of appearance

Labelling your files correctly and in the order that they will appear can save you time when getting approvals. By doing this, approvers can quickly find the information they need and make a decision. In this blog post, we will go over the best way to label your files for faster approvals. 

File labels are an important part of any organization, big or small. They help keep everyone on track by organizing and identifying information quickly and easily. When it comes to creating labels for file folders, there are a few things to remember to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible. Let’s take a look at some tips:

1) Label files in alphabetical order. This will make it easy for approvers to find the appropriate information without wasting time shuffling through your folders. Try to keep similar files next to each other as well, so that approvers can find the correct information more quickly.

2) By labelling files in order of appearance, you avoid the back and forth that occurs when approvers need an attachment that you sent last. Labelling management software is a great way for faster approvals.  It is important to label your files according to the order they will appear on the label, not the order in the folder.

3) Use clear, concise labels that can easily be read when attaching to documents or folders. Make sure approvers understand what each file is and its contents, so they can quickly make a decision.

4) Label files according to their order of appearance on the product label, not the folder they are stored in.

5) When sending out your submission, provide an overview of all your files and attachments, as well as the correct order of appearance. This way, it is easy for approvers to understand your submission and make sure they have everything they need to make a decision.

3. Having high-resolution artwork can save you time and money

Having high-resolution artwork reduces the time it takes to get approvals because there is less of a chance for errors. It also decreases the time spent resubmitting corrections. As a packaging manager, you know that having high-resolution artwork can save you time and money. By providing clear and concise artwork to your vendors, they can more easily produce your product according to your specifications. This ultimately leads to decreased production times and costs, which is always advantageous for any business. In addition, ensuring that your artwork is of the highest quality also reflects positively on your brand image. So make sure to invest in accurate and detailed art files – it will pay off in the end!

4. Use the correct bleed and trim marks

Packaging managers are responsible for ensuring that all the components of a packaging design are ready for production. This includes making sure that all the bleed and trim marks are correct. Incorrect bleed and trim markings can slow down the approval process, so it’s important to get them right from the start. In this blog post, we’ll explain what bleed and trim marks are, and how to use them correctly. We’ll also provide some tips for avoiding common mistakes.

5. Check for errors before submitting

Packaging managers are responsible for ensuring that all product packaging is error-free before it is submitt to the Quality Assurance department. Checking for errors before submission can save time and ensure that products are packag correctly. Here’s what to check for:

– Is all of the require artwork included? Check to make sure that you haven’t missed any logos, labels, or other important information.

– Is the correct artwork load in each section? This includes checking the size, file type, resolution, colour mode, and other requirements.

– Did you use available templates? If the artwork was creat outside the program, check to make sure it is saved correctly and matches the required specifications.

– Is all of the bleeds and trim correct? Use a ruler to check that the cutting marks are in place and match your file.

– Who is going to sign off on the submission? Make sure the approver has all of the files and they are labell correctly.

Conclusion paragraph:

Approvals for packaging and labelling artwork can take time. However, there are strategies you can employ to help the process go more quickly. In our previous blog post, we outlined five tips for getting your packaging and labelling approved faster. One of the best ways to ensure a quick approval is to use software that creates accurate proofs. With an automated system in place, you’ll reduce the chances of errors and speed up the proofing process. Are you looking for a way to improve your packaging approvals? Check out our latest blog post for more information on how to get start!

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