Stress impact lives and the need of doctor consultation


Staying healthy is the key to a successful life. We all come across various ups and downs in our life impact our lives. It is our positive attitude that helps us in coping with all the stress and negativity around us. In such a hectic environment the highest impact is on our physical as well as emotional health.

What is stress?

Stress is our body’s way of responding to pressure and different situation. Numerous events in our lives trigger stress. People deal with stress differently as per their perception, experience, and way of living. Socio and economic circumstances also impact the way of handling stress.

When we feel stressed our body releases a hormone that activates the fight response and activates our body’s immune system. This makes us more active so that we respond to dangerous situations quickly. As we become normal the stress hormone goes back to normal levels and the effects are minimal. But continuous stress in our lives has a huge impact on our physical as well as mental health. 

It is found from various studies that prolonged stress can cause mental health problems, and increases the risk of health issues like anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, body fatigue and pain, muscular tensions, substance use problems, etc.

Key signs of stress are:

Cognitive symptoms:

  • Having difficulty in thinking and concentration
  • having memory issues
  • facing difficulty in making decisions

Emotional signs:

  • Feeling anxious,
  • having a sense of fear,
  • feeling aggressive and angry
  • a sense of loneliness and sadness
  • irritable behavior
  • frustrated and depressed
  • Irritation and sweating

Due to the above feelings, the body may respond in many ways. Some of the common ways are as follows:

  • Having headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Having indigestion issues, bloating, diarrhea
  • Having shallow breaths
  • Fast palpation
  • Sweating
  • Body aches and pain
  • High blood pressure

In case the person is suffering from long-term stress the person may have withdrawal symptoms from society, may have sleep disorders, the memory may be affected, and the eating habits change. Due to withdrawal from society, you spend more time lying and doing lone activities thereby you are less inclined to physical exercise.

In some cases, severe long-term stress is found to be linked with gastrointestinal conditions like stomach ulcers, and cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, it can be stated that stress if left untreated and ignored can trigger numerous health issues. It is therefore essential that the stress is well managed to avoid such health complications.

Diagnosis and treatment

There is no specific way method to diagnose tests. Doctor consultation is essential if you are facing any of the above symptoms to ensure a stable life. The doctor may ask for family-related information, carry out a physical examination, and may seek the help of various medical tests like blood tests, ECG, etc. to rule out any medical condition like hypothyroidism.

Some of the above symptoms of anxiety and stress may be induced due to certain medications taken for the treatment of diseases like psoriasis, arthritis, Parkinson’s diseases, etc. Thus, during doctor consultation, the doctor may ask for various medications that you are taking currently.  If there are any medical issues, the treatment shall be aimed to treat the medical condition and thus reduce the stress levels.

If the stress is due to non-medical conditions, then self-care is highly important in reducing stress.

  • Think of the factors that are causing stress. Make a plan to settle the issues.
  • Think about the areas wherein you can make small changes that can help you in positive ways.
  • Seek friends, experts, or family members’ help or advice in managing stress.
  • Eat a healthy diet. A healthy diet is highly essential to improve your mood. Include vitamins and minerals in your diet to trigger positive moods. Keeping yourself hydrated helps in controlling anger and mental well-being.
  • Avoid substance usage and limit your alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes usages.
  • practice a healthy routine of work, sleep, and exercise. Physical exercise helps in triggering endorphins that boost the mood and thus can help you to reduce your stress levels. A healthy routine of life shall help you to get proper sleep which is essential in reducing stress.
  • Meditation can help in reducing stress. Relaxing the body, breathing exercises, diet, routine building, etc. can help in reducing the stress levels and boost your mood.
  • Attending stress management programs can be highly beneficial.

If you continue to feel stress then seek professional help immediately. In such cases, the homeopathic doctor consultation may be associated with psychiatrist counseling and behavioral counseling.


Stress can disturb your work life, family life, school life, and social life. It also has an impact on your emotional as well as physical health. Thus, stress management is highly essential. Long-term stress can impact negatively on one’s life and seeking help from a health practitioner becomes necessary in such a condition. The objective of these therapies is to make you feel emotionally stronger and thus help you to bounce back from stress.

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