Parents hate seeing their child suffering. Diaper rash is a problem that affects numerous infants. The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that over half of babies aged 4-15 months experience diaper rash about each two months. If they do experience flare-ups what’s the best way to treat in the case of diaper rash?
Natural Treatments for Diaper Rash
Numerous mothers swear by homemade remedies, particularly when diaper rash has become everywhere and creams aren’t effective. Here are a few of the most popular solutions at-home that can help with diaper rash
Coconut oil Coconut oil naturally has antifungal, antimicrobial properties. Its consistency can also protect the skin of your child. Be careful with this, since it causes the urine to repel.
Baking soda – for rashes caused by acidic poop such as those that are caused by a new food or antibiotics soak your baby’s bottom in a bath of baking soda for 10 to 15 minutes. Baking soda’s alkalinity neutralizes the acidity.
Cornstarch is combined with coconut or olive oil to form an invisible barrier to your young baby’s skin. Be sure to keep it out of the airways of your baby as it may cause respiratory issues if it is inhaled.
Avoiding Irritation
Sometimes, the diaper you’re using may affect the skin of your baby’s. If you are worried about the chemical content in conventional diapers, take a look at this Organic diaper review. They are especially suitable for babies with sensitive skin, particularly when you don’t want to use cloth diapers.
Other Tips for Treating Diaper Rash
Parents can refer back to the ABCDE’s treatment for diaper rash to help them remember how to soothe their baby through this difficult period. Take these steps:
(A)iring it Out- When you can you should blow your baby’s bottom. Avoid long baths as they could cause more irritation.
(B)arrier- A protective cover creates a barrier against irritation and allows your child’s bottom the chance to recover.
(C)lean- Make sure you are aware of your baby’s bathroom habits. You’ll want to wash and dry the bottoms every when they pee, or poop.
(D)isposable- Cloth diapers can appear more breathable, however they could also cause irritation to the skin of your baby as they move around. Instead, you should opt for a more tightly-fitting diaper that doesn’t provide the same amount of wiggle room.
Choosing an Over-the-Counter Diaper Cream
The majority of diaper creams are used to treat soreness and redness, as well as creating a barrier to let your child’s bottom recover. Check out our article about the most effective diaper creams should you require assistance selecting.
Doctor-Prescribed Diaper Rash Treatment
Antifungal treatment Antifungals are prescribed to infants suffering from an itch in their diapers due to an infection caused by yeast. They can be applied with an additional layer of paste.
What Causes Diaper Rash?
Diaper rash is a term used to describe any kind of irritation to the skin’s lower part of the skin. It’s caused by irritation to the top layers of the skin. When the skin is wet or it rubs the baby’s bottom, the diaper rash becomes more severe.
Signs of a Diaper Rash
If your baby suffers from a serious diaper rash it can cause more than irritation and redness. Sometimes, pustules that are raised or bumps with fluid can be visible.
Other symptoms that are significant include extreme swelling and pain in the face, crying, and a flurry of fussiness particularly when peeling or passing stool, and bleeding.
treatment is essential.
Final Take
The best way to treat diaper rash is to use whatever is effective for your child. Make sure you consider the cause of the rash in your child, because natural remedies like cornstarch may increase the severity of diaper rash.
If you’re unsure of the reason why the diaper rash is persistent talk to your pediatric doctor. They might be able to provide a solution to give your baby some relief.