Top 10 Banking Industry Challenges- And How You Can Overcome them

The banking industry is undergoing a radical transformation, fueled by new FinTech competition, changing business models, mounting regulatory and compliance pressures, and disruptive technologies. Click here to know Types of Loans.

As data breaches become more common and privacy concerns grow, regulatory and compliance requirements become more stringent. And, as if that wasn’t enough, customer expectations are changing as customers seek personalised service around the clock. 

1. Increasing Competition

As a result of these new industry entrants, many financial institutions are looking for partnerships and/or acquisition opportunities as a stop-gap measure. 

2. A Cultural Shift

Manual processes and systems have no place in the digital world. Banks and credit unions must consider technological solutions to banking industry challenges. As a result, financial institutions must foster an innovative culture in which technology is used to optimise existing processes and procedures for maximum efficiency. 

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          3. Regulatory Compliance

As a result of the dramatic increase in regulatory fees relative to earnings and credit losses since the 2008 financial crisis, regulatory compliance has become one of the most significant banking industry challenges. 

4. Changing Business Models

The cost of compliance management is just one of many banking industry challenges compelling financial institutions to change their business practises. The rising cost of capital, combined with low interest rates for the foreseeable future, a declining return on equity, and reduced proprietary trading are all putting pressure on traditional sources of banking profitability. Regardless, shareholder expectations remain unchanged.

5. Rising Expectations

Consumers today are smarter, savvier, and more informed than ever before, and they expect a high level of personalization and convenience from their banking experience. With each new generation of banking customers comes a deeper understanding of technology and, as a result, a greater expectation of digitised experiences.

6. Customer Retention

Customers in the financial services industry expect personalised and meaningful experiences delivered via simple and intuitive interfaces on any device, anywhere, and at any time. Although customer experience is difficult to quantify, customer turnover is measurable, and customer loyalty is rapidly becoming an endangered concept. 

7. Outdated Mobile Experiences

Every bank and credit union now has their own branded mobile application; however, just because an organisation has a mobile banking strategy does not mean that it is being used as effectively as possible. 

8. Security Breaches

With a string of high-profile breaches in recent years, security has emerged as a major challenge for the banking industry, as well as a major concern for bank and credit union customers. 

9. Outdated Applications

Organizations that use antiquated business management applications or siloed systems, on the other hand, will be unable to keep up with this increasingly digital-first world. Organizations will miss out on critical business evolution if they do not have a solid, forward-thinking technological foundation. In other words, digital transformation is no longer just a good idea; it is a necessity for survival.

10. Continuous Innovation

Long-term business success necessitates insight, agility, strong client relationships, and continuous innovation. Benchmarking, on the other hand, only allows institutions to keep up with the pack; it rarely leads to innovation. Businesses must benchmark to survive, but innovate to thrive, as the cliche goes; innovation is a key differentiator that separates the wheat from the chaff.

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