Wild Turkey Sounds

Turkey Sounds

From gathering poults to chancing a mate, wild clunkers make a vast array of turkey sounds. Below are common Turkey Sounds you can hear in the lemon forestland. 


The cluck consists of one or further short, staccato notes. The plain cluck, numerous times, includes two or three single- note clucks. It’s generally used by one raspberry to get the attention of another. It’s a good call to assure an approaching gobbler that a hen is staying for him. 

Fly Down or Fly-up Cackle 

A chuckle generally consists of three to 10 desultory spaced notes, loud and staccato, adding in pitch as the call nears its end. The chuckle is generally associated with leaving the roost, but can also be heard when a raspberry is flying up to a roost. A cover-down chuckle is a good call to tell a gobbler that a hen is on the ground. Still, a cover-down chuckle frequently works best if the gobbler is formerly on the ground before you call. Else, the tom may stay on the roost; staying for what he thinks is a hen lemon to come to him before he flies down. A cover-up chuckle can also be a good tool when trying to detect roosted toms, as it may get a roosted tom to ingurgitate. 


The putt is a single note, generally associated as an alarm, could be several notes sharp or rapid-fire fashion, generally meaning they’ve seen or heard a commodity, means peril. 

Cutting of Agitated Hen 

A series of fast, loud, erratic single notes is pertained to as a slice. It’s a modified cluck and is a distinct abrupt call with a kindly questioning nature. It can be heard at a great distance and is frequently used by a single lemon looking for fellowship. 

The audio is in the MP3 format. The size of the train is 154kb and 18 seconds long. 

Tree Call

The tree call is generally a series of soft muffled yelps given by a roasted raspberry. Occasionally it picks up in volume as the cover-down time nears. May be accompanied by soft clucking. Generally conceded as a call to communicate with others in a flock. 


The ingratiate is one of the top declamations of the manly wild lemon and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he’s in the area. 

Kee Kee Run 

The kee kee is the lost call of youthful clunkers and variations made by adult catcalls. It’s frequently associated with fall stalking, but can be used successfully in the spring. This is what turkey sounds like. A variation of the call, the kee kee run is simply a kee kee with a yelp. 

The audio is in the MP3 format. The size of the train is 112kb and 13 seconds long. 


Purring is a soft, rolling call clunkers make when content. It can generally be heard by feeding catcalls. This isn’t a loud call, but is good for cheering clunkers as they get in close to your position. 

The audio is in the MP3 format. The size of the train is 84kb and 09 seconds long.  


The ingurgitate is one of the top declamations of the manly wild lemon and is used primarily in the spring to let hens know he’s in the area. The audio is in the MP3 format. The size of the train is 75kb and 08 seconds long. 

Assembly Call 

The adult hen assembly call is a series of loud yelps, generally a little further emphatic and longer than a standard series of yelps. The assembly yelp is used by a hen to assemble her flock or youthful poults. It’s a good call in the fall when trying to call a scattered flock back together. 

Read to apply sounds in: Turkey Hunting: 3 Main Methods To Follow


Purring is a soft, rolling call clunkers make when content. It can generally be heard by feeding catcalls. This isn’t a loud call but is good for cheering clunkers as they get in close to your position. 

Plain Yelp 

The plain yelp of a hen are introductory lemon turkey sounds and is frequently delivered in a series of single note declamations. The plain yelp can have different meanings depending on how the hen uses it, but it’s introductory lemon communication. It’s also generally used by a hen to communicate with a gobbler during lovemaking season. This is an introductory lemon stalking call. However, you have a chance of being suitable to call in a lemon, If you can shrill. 


A series of fast, loud, erratic single notes is pertained to as a slice. It’s a modified cluck and is a distinct abrupt call with a kindly questioning nature. It can be heard at a great distance and is frequently used by a single lemon looking for fellowship. 

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