Did you know that you could be at an increased risk of severe health issues of the heart and circulatory systems, such as coronary artery disease or stroke, because of the lack of quality sleep? A relatively common sleep problem (sleep apnea) has direct links with an increased chance of experiencing cardiovascular-based issues, which is pretty scary. Now what might be even scarier is the thought of not knowing if you have sleep apnea. If you aren’t aware, sleep apnea is a common health challenge that affects thousands of kids and adults alike.
The leading cause of this health condition can be the airway blockage that restricts smooth breathing and often ends up in snoring and frequent wake-ups, leading to a sense of choking too sometimes. Usually, people with obesity need to watch out for this more, but even someone with average weight can also be vulnerable. And both males and females can suffer from this disorder. If you or someone from your family faces sleep disturbance and snores a lot, you must consult a certified ENT as a priority. You can check this link also once – https://earnosethroat.com.sg/ . Remember, ignoring your sleep and snoring problem can land you in more significant health troubles. Hence, before it is too late, opt for the treatment.
Here is a quick look at some significant health risks that a patient with snoring and sleep apnea must know about and protect their wellbeing.
Cardiovascular disorder and low metabolism
Doctors say that sleep apnea can be one of the leading causes of heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes. It can also affect one’s lifespan. You may wonder how this is possible. Well, most sleep apnea cases see obesity as a common factor. And obese people tend to be vulnerable to diabetes and heart conditions. Still, even a slim person can suffer from sleep apnea and be victim of other dire illnesses. Some also believe that women in their after menopause phase often experience sudden weight gain in their belly areas and remain at a high risk of sleep apnea.
Since lack of sleep either because of snoring or sleep apnea causes tiredness, fatigue, and low metabolic rate, the health deteriorates even more. The heart fails to circulate blood to other parts of the body properly due to affected airways, creating breathlessness and the combination of obesity only worsens the situation. That’s why getting timely help is necessary.
Diagnosis and treatment
Sleep apnea can be of three types – mild, moderate, and severe. These depend on the measurement of the breathing obstruction. Mild cases can experience a pause in their breathing from 5 to 15 times. In a softer version, you may do well without medical intervention. But taking expert advice is necessary. An ENT will test your sleeping pattern and behavior to determine the severity of your health and recommend a proper treatment method.
Remember, the treatment can include lifestyle changes involving diet and exercising to abandoning a few habits to continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP). In some cases, oral appliances or surgery can also come in handy. So, if you snore a lot and feel fatigued the entire day, you should meet your ENT. After all, you don’t want to risk your health for major issues.