In Islam, God is mainly referred to as Allah, the 99 names of Allah along with their benefits and meanings are listed below.
99 Names of Allah in English, Urdu and Arabic and their meanings.
To praise Him, to worship Him and to worship Him, the Qur’an and the Sunnah refer to Allah by many other names and other adjectives and attributes.
There are usually 99 names of Allah that are regarded as attributes of Allah Almighty.
Ulemas generally admit that the names or attributes of Allah in Islam are cited according to a number of 99.
There is not a single list of the 99 names of Allah and their meanings and the one I present to you is the most frequently encountered.
This number of 99 names attributed to Allah is based on a hadith of the Prophet reported by Abu Hurayra:
“Certainly God has 99 names, one hundred minus one. Whoever lists them will enter Heaven”
“Allah is the singular (witr) and without alter-ego and he loves and rewards naming these names one by one.”
(Boukhāri, volume 8, B.12, R.12, hadith “of the Prophet” of Abū Hurayra).
In addition to his name Allah, which means God, other names that can qualify as god are mentioned in the Koran, as well as in the aforementioned hadith reported by Abū Hurayra.
The 99 names of Allah are called in Arabic أسماء الله الحسنى ( Asma ‘Allah al-Ḥusná ), which means: The most beautiful names of God.
There are several versions of these lists of attributes because these 99 names of Allah have been taken from different passages of the Quran and hadiths.
It is generally accepted among some ulemas that Allah has more than 99 (ninety-nine) attributes or names , some of which are not known.
A hadith thus speaks of names of which Allah has reserved knowledge.
Some Ulemas say that Mafhûm al-Mukhâlafah does not apply to the hadith of the ninety-nine (99) attributes, names or attributes cited to designate Allah.
In the sense that asserting that Allah has these 99 names and attributes should not imply that he does not have others.
1. Allah: الله
Allah: Allah
2. Ar-Rahman: الرحمن
The Most Merciful
3. Ar-Rahim: الرحيم
The All Merciful
4.Al-Malik: الملك
The Sovereign, The King, the one who controls and directs
5.Al-Quddous: القدوس
The Infiniment Saint
6. As-Salam: السلام
The Peace, Security, Salvation
7. Al-Mu’min: المؤمن
The Faithful, the Secure, the Confident
8. Al-Muhaymin: المهيمن
The Overseer, the Witness, the Preserver, the Dominator
9. Al-‘Aziz: العزيز
The Almighty, the Glorious, AL Aziz means in a sense the one who is dear and precious.
10. Al-Jabbar: الجبار
The Great, the Mighty, the Binding,
11. Al-Mutakabbir: المتكبر
He who is superior to his creatures
12. Al-Khaliq: الخالق
The Creator, The CREATOR in the general sense, the One Who makes things exist.
13. Al-Bari: الباري
The Creator, the Producer, The CREATOR in the sense of the creation of that which is living.
14. Al-Musawwir: المصور
The DRAWER The one who gives the diversified aspect to each creation and to each creature.
15. Al-Ghaffarالغفار
The All-Forgiving, He forgives the sins of His servants over and over again
16. Al-Qahhar: القهار
The All-POWERFUL and Most Binding, the Supreme Dominator
17. Al-Wahhab: الوهاب
The gracious Giver, the One Who gives immensely without receiving anything in return
18. Ar-Razzaq: الرزاق
He who always grants sustenance, he who nourishes all things
19. Al-Fattah: الفتاح
The Conqueror, He Who Facilitates Dignified and Righteous Actions
20. Al-‘Alim: العليم
The All-Knowing, he who sees all whether it is hidden or not, the Omniscient
21. Al-Qabiz: القابض
He who holds back and retracts
22. Al-Basit: الباسط
He who extends his generosity and mercy
23. AL khafiz: الحفيظ
He Who destinies the oppressors and the proud to demeanor and chastisement
24. Ar-Rafi: الرافعي
One who elevates the honor and status of a believer in this lower world and in the hereafter
25. Al-Mu’izz: المعز
He who bestows honors, power and consideration
26. Al-Muzill: المذل
He who debases
27. As-Sami: السميع
He who hears absolutely all things, One who hears any noise or sound in his realm emanating from any creature.
28. Al-Basir:البصير
The Seer, He who sees all
29. Al-Hakam: الحكم
The Judge, The Arbiter, The Decider, One whose Judgment in the Hereafter will be perfectly just and appropriate
30. Al-‘Adl: العدل
The Righteous, Equitable, He who restores Balance
31. Al-Latif: اللطيف
The Subtle-Benevolent, the Good
32. Al-Khabir: الخبير
The Most Learned, The Well-Informed
33. Al-Halim: الحليم
The Longanimous, the Most Merciful
4. Al-‘Azim: العظيم
The Immense, the Magnificent, the Eminent, the Great
35. Al-Ghafur: الغفور
The Forgiving
36. Ash-Shakour: الشكور
Most Grateful, Most Grateful, Infinitely Increasing One
37. Al-‘Aliyy: العلي
The Sublime, the Exalted, the Most High
38. Al-Kabir: الكبير
The Infinitely Great, higher in Qualities than His creatures
39. Al-Hafizh: الحفيظ
The Preserver, The Preserver, The Guardian
40. Al-Muqit:المقيت
The Guardian, the Mighty, the Witness, the one who produces the sustenance
41. Al-Hasib: الحسيب
He who takes everything into account, He who suffices for his creatures
42. Al-Djalil: الجليل
The Majestic, who attributes to himself the greatness of Power and the Glory of His dignity
43. Al-Karim: الكريم
The All-Bountiful, the Noble-Bountiful, free from all abjection
44. Ar-Raqib: الرقيب
The Vigilant, Celui who observe
45. Al-Moudjib: المجيب
He who answers, He who answers the needy and the desirous who prays to Him
46. Al-Wasi’: الواسع
The Ample, the Vast, the Immense
47. Al-Hakim: الحكيم
The Infinitely Wise
48. Al-Wadoud: الودود
The Beloved, the Beloved
49. Al-Madjid: والمجيد
The Most Glorious, endowed with Perfect Power, High Dignity, Compassion, Generosity and Gentleness
50. Alba’s: الباعث
He who resuscitates His servants after death, He who incites
Names of Allah in English, Urdu and Arabic
51. Ash-Shahid: الشهيد
The Witness, who knows nothing about what is happening
52. Al-Haqq: الحق
The Truth, of which Existence is the only true
53. Al-Wakil: الوكيل
The Manager, The Steward, The One We Confide In And Whose Support Never Wants
54. Al-Qawiyy: القوي
The Most Mighty, the Most Powerful, He who possesses complete Power
55. Al-Matin: المتين
The Most Steadfast, the Unwavering who never flexes or tires
56. Al-Waliyy: الولي
The Very Near, the Friend, the Master, the Guardian
57. Al-Hamid: الحميد
The Most Praise, He Who is worthy of praise
58. Al-Mousy: الموسى
He whose knowledge encompasses everything, He who keeps in mind
59. Al-Mubdi:المبدئ
He who produces without a model, He who gives the Origin
60. Al-Mu’id: المعيد
He who restores existence after death, He who reintegrates, who repeats
61. Al-Mouh’yi: المحيي
He who gives life, who gives life
62. Al-Mumit: المميت
He who kills the living
63. Al-Hayy: الحي
The Living One, Whose Life Is Different From Our Life
64. Al-Qayyum: القيوم
The Immutable, the Self-Subsisting
65. Al-Wajid: الواجد
The Opulent, He who finds whatever He wants
66. Al-Mudjid: الماجد
The Noble, the Majestic, the One who is full of Glory
67. Al-Wahid: الواحد
The One, Without Associate, The One, The One.
68. As-Samad: الصمد
The absolute Master, the Universal Support, the One in whom we place our trust
69. Al-Qadir: القادر
The Mighty, the Determinant, the Holder of Power
70. Al-Muqtadir: المقتدر
He who has power over everything, the Absolute Holder of power
71. Al-Muqaddim: المقدم
He who puts forward, He who proceeds or precedes
72. Al-Mou’akhkhir: المؤخر
The one who puts back, the one who comes last or who delays
73. Al-Awwal: الأول
The First, Whose Existence Has No Beginning
74. Al-Akhir: الآخر
The Last, whose existence has no end
75. Az-Zahir: الظاهر
The Exterior, The Apparent
76. Al-Batin: الباطن
The Interior, the Hidden
77. Al-Wali: الولي
The Very Close Master, The One Who Leads
78. Al-Muta’ali: المتعالي
The Sublime, the Exalted, the Exalted, pure of all attributes of creation
79. Al-Barr: البر
The Good, the Benevolent, the Beneficent, towards his creatures
80. At-Tawwab: التواب
He who never ceases to return, to welcome the sincere repentance of his worshipers and who grants them His Forgiveness
81. Al-Muntaqim: المنتقم
The Avenger, who prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins
82. Al-Afuww: العفو
He who erases, the Indulgent whose forgiveness is broad
Names of Allah in Arabic.
83. Ar-Raouf: الرؤوف
The Most Gentle, the Most Benevolent, The one who can determine an immensity of benefits without consideration and without necessity.
84. Malikul-Mulk: مالك الملك
The Possessor of the Kingdom, who controls his reign and gives a reign to whomever He wants
85. Zhoul Jalal Wal-Ikram: ذو الجلال والإكرام
He who holds Majesty and Generosity, He who fills with blessings those who have understood that Allah is better than any other
86. Al-Muqsit: المقسط
The Equitable, He who judges in accordance with the greatest justice,
87. Al-Djami: الجامع
He who gathers, He who gathers his creatures on the day of judgment
88. Al-Ghaniyy: الغني
The Self-Sufficient, The One Who Needs No One, He who makes his creatures exist, keeps them in existence and causes them to change constantly
89. Al-Moughni: المغني
One who gives sustenance thus satisfying the needs of his creatures
90. Al-Mani: المانع
The Defender, One who preserves and protects his faithful believers
91. Ad-Dhar: الضار
He who annoys, He who is almighty to bring harm inevitably to the one who offends him
92. An-Nafi: النافع
He who bestows profit, the one who is almighty to inevitably bring about profit and who facilitates the life of whomever He wills
93. An-Nour: النور
The Light, the one who guides the believer towards the light of faith
94. Al-Hadi: الهادي
The Guider
95. Al-Badi: البديع
The Innovator, the One who created all things and formed them according to his will without previous example
96. Al-Baqi: الباقي
The Permanent One, One Whose Existence Is Eternal
97. Al-Waris: الوارث
The Heir The one who exists and never changes
98. Ar-Rachid: الرشيد
He who acts righteously, He who rules with wisdom
99- AS SABOUR: الصبور
The patient, the very constant, who pushes back the punishment of sinners
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