Can I Clog My Pores By Using Active Mineral-based Sunscreen?

People who have acne tend to be extremely conscious about their skin and what they put on it. That’s because if they’re unwise, it can lead to additional breakouts and more misery. So, when the sun comes out and sunscreen is required, it poses a problem – one that can be more easily answered by knowing if active mineral-based sunscreen is something that blocks the pores, or not.

To Irritate or Not to Irritate, That Is the Question!

Essentially, as someone with acne, you’ve got three choices; 1) you can stay out of the sun entirely (not a great option), 2) use chemical sunscreen or 3) use active mineral-based sunscreen. In truth, chemical varieties are invariably lighter than physical sunscreen, so does that mean they’re more likely to be non-comedogenic (proven not to clog pores)? Actually no.

The main issue with chemical sunscreen is the chemicals they contain, with some of them being much more likely to cause irritation. What’s more, they have to be absorbed to work, so you could end up with a problem that’s more acute than surface irritation. 

Mineral sunscreen, on the other hand, is something that typically uses zinc oxide to create a barrier against UV rays from the sun. This compound is benign in nature and almost certain not to cause any discomfort or reaction from the dermis.

Active Mineral-Based Sunscreen Is Non-Comedogenic

The reason why mineral sunscreens are the ideal choice for acne sufferers, in particular, is because the formulas created are usually non-comedogenic, despite being much thicker than their chemical counterparts. That means no breakouts are caused.

Due to the fact that it has this property, physical sunscreen will not cause spots to form – which basically have clogged pores as their starting point. In addition to this, the lack of chemical-based UV-blocking agents combined with the fact that mineral sunscreen is not absorbed makes it a far better option for anyone having to combat persistent acne attacks.

Can Mineral Sunscreen Ever Irritate the Skin?

Of course, no product could ever be 100% guaranteed not to irritate the skin of everyone across the world, as some people can die from eating strawberries, right? However, for the vast majority of people, zinc oxide sunscreen should present no such issues of this kind. 

If you’re unsure in any way or you have a unique set of personal skin characteristics that require additional considerations to be made, you should talk to your dermatologist to be sure. The chances are slim but you don’t want to cause issues for yourself unless strictly necessary. 

Mineral Sunblock Is By Far the Best Choice For Acne

So, when all is said and done, to consider anything other than active mineral-based sunscreen for your skin when you have acne is asking for trouble.

Don’t get hung up on the consistency of mineral sunblock, as we understand that applying something that seems gloopy can make acne sufferers worry. It’s what’s inside and how it works that really counts here – even if it does seem counterintuitive. 

Consider the fact that mineral sunscreen is not absorbed into the skin, contains no irritating chemicals and is designed not to clog pores. What you have here is a perfect recipe for ideal sun protection for acne-prone skin. 

It’s very hard to argue against using it if you’re not already doing so, as the facts really stack up when you analyze them. Use anything else and conventional wisdom points towards more spots and no one wants that. 

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