Technology does not cause the digital transformation to fail. They fail if the organisation cannot solve problems, test ideas, and develop better ways to manage their work. This is called a change of agility from success. The conversion will not fail due to technology. They fail if an organisation can’t solve problems, test ideas, and develop better ways to manage their work (what we call agility). Failure to succeed in these areas can delay transformation and risk not achieving the true value you are trying to achieve.
Before we get started, let’s take a brief look at the difference between agile and agile. This article treats Agile as a set of processes and artefacts that a team follows to perform complex tasks. Apart from this, the word “agile” refers to the thoughts and work practices that often occur after a team implements agile.
Three Digital Transformation Mistakes to Avoid
Let’s start with three simple mistakes that hinder agility and prevent change from becoming a revolution. These are the digital business transformation mistakes.
Mistake 1: Your strategy was born (and still alive) in technology leadership.
Almost every organisation we talk about initiates digital transformation at the executive level of technology organizations. The mistake we see in businesses is to leave it there. Internally, the initiative focuses on operational efficiency rather than developing agility through deeper relationships with teams that transcend departmental boundaries. This misses the opportunity to start a revolution.
The result is a transformation that has a significant impact on revenue growth. Successful transformations often begin with technology leaders. Second, one of the first things these leaders do is form a leadership team that transcends departmental boundaries. Soon after, the entire organization will be registered, and you will find the best new business opportunities.
This approach opens the door to ideas that go far beyond the familiar territory of a technology organization. Initiatives will be more outward-looking and more sensitive to consumer needs. On the other hand, internally and operationally coordinated initiatives have lower priority. The result is a transformation that has a significant impact on revenue growth. The challenge faced by most leaders is that many other parts of the organization were previously not responsible for driving this type of change. To be successful, you need to focus on two things:
- Build deep trust with colleagues and members of your organisation to get the support you need
- Maintain a disciplined approach to implementing great technology and ensure that you can sustain changes over time.
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Mistake 2: Only tech teams use agile
Agile started with a software development team 20 years ago, but unfortunately, it often joins the technical organization of many companies. However, the ability to streamline operations and improve results brings many benefits to the entire organization. There is a reason why some people are stubborn agile enthusiasts. You are not crazy. See the benefits that Agile brings to your team’s agility. It’s easy to think about the business outcomes you can achieve if other organization members develop the same skills.
Take a leadership team as an example. By implementing agile work practices that increase visibility and transparency, you can develop the ability to find projects that you didn’t know what was happening within your organization. Removing these projects and refocusing on those working on them can create the ability to work on more important initiatives.
Mistake 3: Cultural roadmap not written down
I believe it was right when Peter Drucker, a leading executive, famously said, “Culture eats breakfast strategy.” So it’s ironic that we have little time to talk about culture in digital transformation. Avoid conversation because culture is amorphous, difficult to connect to values, and difficult to quantify. But the reality is that statistics overwhelmingly support conscious cultural development. Countless studies have shown that 70% of transformational efforts fail, most often due to human and cultural challenges.
These three errors are common but can be overcome. So if you do them now, today is a good day to start the course fix. Hence, doing these three things right will drive people, cultures, and ways of working to make a successful transformation. An expert digital marketing agency in London can help you in this regard.