by Claude Bulaceanu
Humanity always struggled to fight diseases by using various means like prayers, plant treatments, shamans and doctors. Since ancient times medicine has improved a lot and we now have in every country a public health system that gives access to treatments to just about everybody in most cases.
When looking at a disease as a whole, we could say that the public health systems deal with the effects of the diseases and less with its causes. By acting only on the effects, and even if being successful in this, if the causes are still active then in time the disease will return, whether the same disease or another.
Energy healing
The ancient spiritual masters found that our bodies rely in order to survive and thrive on energy coming from the universe around. Moreover, it was found that beyond the physical energy there are also other levels of higher energies, that our bodies need to survive. This energy was called prana by Hindus and chi by ancient Chinese. The Hindus spiritual tradition distinguished seven major chakras as gates of input/output of prana in our bodies.
The prana or chi energy are like tiny streams of energy that flow along with the nervous system throughout the entire body. They have multiple functions, but the main ones are to adapt the amount of prana needed by the body organs, shift the energy vibration according to needs, and feed the body organs around with the much-needed energy so they function properly.
To normalize the prana flow is a subject in its own right and the subject of a high vibration school of spirituality and energy.
A disease is a strong warning signal to a person that he went off for quite some time from his correct destiny Path. If he doesn’t understand this, then even if for a period a treatment looks like getting results, in time the illness will return, or another grave issue will hit him.
Healing, prana and vibration
The process of healing a disease is in 3 main steps:
1. Identify the Causes, which are generally some limiting belief in our subconscious. 2. Repair the energy disruption in our body energy fields caused by pur beliefs over time.
3. Heal the disease in the physical body, which has as cause the energy disruption from step 2.
Mainstream medicine deals with step 3 only, but true healing can be achieved only by doing also steps 1 and 2, or else the disease risks to return.
Another point is that healing is very much dependent on the body vibration of that person. Body vibration means the average awareness of that body cells, i.e. how they exchange energy with reality around. If it’s the normal average body vibration (3.5 awareness level on the chakra scale) healing using acupuncture and other related techniques can take weeks, months, and years, or even never. If the patient has a higher body vibration that was reached by spiritual growth, then it takes just days to weeks. If it’s a very high body vibration the same procedures heal it in minutes to just days.
If one has already a grave disease like cancer for instance, then he should first go to an official MD and follow the medical treatment prescribed, so to gain time in order to work olaso on steps 1 and 2.
Meditation can help us in getting aware of the main limiting beliefs (causes) in us in order to release them, and also to detach from the restless world around us, get a sense of peace and calm inside.
Bear in mind that any energy treatment takes time, the bodies here in 3D (D-dimension of vibration) are very dense and the energy access the spirituals have to prana/chi is quite low. The denser a body is the larger quantities of energy one needs to have access to in order to heal the physical body.
While mainstream medicine acts much quicker on an illness than energy-treatments, it also has secondary effects since its drugs are chemical-based. These chemicals have all sort of hazardous secondary effects as many studies showed.
Chakra healing, and chakra balancing
Turning our attention to the body energies fields, ideally the prana flow runs unobstructed through our chakras and hence all chakras are balanced. In real life, due to the limiting beliefs we keep in our subconscious, the energy flow is many times distorted and obstructions start
to occur. These clogs occur generally at the level of the main chakras, in which case the energy flow is obstructed and energy doesn’t reach the body organs as it was supposed to. Therefore, the organs are depleted of energy and in time start to malfunction and disease is declared. Only then mainstream medicine officially acknowledges the disease and starts treatment for the disease.
Energy healing
By doing chakra healing we can normalize the prana flow in us hence reach chakra balancing, so to preserve our health. If the chakras are already obstructed, then we can apply specific procedures to for chakra healing.
Ideally we should also work on the limiting beliefs which are the cause of the disease so to eradicate them. There are specific methods to release these limiting beliefs.
Different meditations and healing procedures have very different healing effects, and might be effective for some illnesses and ineffective for others. Only experienced and competent spiritual healers and energy healers should give advice on this.
Factors influencing healing
The healing is very much influenced by:
1. The trust the patient has in the treatment and the healer
2. The type of person the patient is, For the same illness different treatments are needed for different personalities.
3. The treatment needs to be supported by the active participation of the patient, for instance by doing meditations and humbly acknowledging the reason for having cancer for instance, which is generally an old and deep negative belief he harbors for a good number of years.
4. Energy procedures, like a kundalini stirring done by some kundalini procedures can even accelerate the disease and lead to a patient’s demise before his time, so be very sure what kind of spiritual/energy procedures you apply and if they are adequate.
The approach to healing is to start normally with a diagnostic, an energy diagnostic, like an aimed and competent psychic energy reading. If you do this like once a year by a competent spiritual healer who looks into your energies, you could know in advance if some issues started to develop at energy level. By doing this, you can intervene at the energy level before the distorted energies reach the physical level when healing is much more problematic.