Full Grown Teacup Poodle Breed: Size, Temperament and More

Full Grown Teacup Poodle

Teacup Poodles captivate hearts across the country with their adorable appearance. These puppies take all the qualities of an adult poodle and pack it in a small package. Their loving nature means they will get along with just about anyone. They crave attention and love, so be prepared to shower them with affection.

However, these puppies need to be handled with extreme care – their small bodies make them very susceptible to breaking bones.

In this article, we cover everything you need to consider whether or not you decide to buy one of these adorable mutts.

What is a Teacup Poodle? (Overview)

A teacup poodle is a cuddly little dog who is always looking to grab attention. They like to be the center of attention and their big personalities make them irresistible.

People keep them primarily for company, but sometimes their loyalty can turn them into an unpretentious guard dog.

Despite their beautiful appearance, these tea cups require a lot of care. Their wayward curls need to be groomed often , they need to be trained very early to avoid stubborn behaviors, they need to be fed a very precise amount of food to avoid obesity and you need to watch them very carefully to make sure they don’t. not hurt themselves.

In many ways, these little puppies look a lot like a young child.

  • Preview: Small version of Toy Poodle.
  • Objective: A companion.
  • Weight: 3-5 pounds.
  • Size: 6-8 inches.
  • Temperament: Playful, loving and energetic.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Very loving and loyal.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Minimum exercise requirements.
  • Suitable for apartment living.
  • Very smart.

The inconvenients:

  • Expensive.
  • Can be stubborn.
  • Lots of grooming required.
  • Their small size makes them very fragile.
  • Can suffer from many diseases.

Maltese teacup appearance

They are some of the cutest dogs around. From their tiny bodies to their forever puppy eyes, these dogs are able to instantly capture anyone’s heart. They look like shrunken poodles and have thick, curly fur with large black eyes.

Height and width

They are one of the smallest breeds of dogs and will weigh 2-5 pounds. From their legs to the top of their shoulders, they are only 6 to 8 inches tall. These little puppies can usually fit in the palm of an adult hand.

Colors and coat

These tea cups come in a variety of colors including white, gray, black, red, brindle, silver, and apricot.

Some have patches of various other colors in their coats, but breeders generally prefer solid coat colors.

They have thick curls of medium length just like that of a poodle . These curls are silky and sometimes difficult to maintain and can quickly develop knots in their fur if not brushed frequently.

The best advantage of owning a full grown Teacup Poodle is that it doesn’t shed. They are great for people with allergies because they are hypoallergenic. Their dead fur does come off but it remains trapped in their tight curls, only falling out during brushing.

5 fun facts about the micro poodle

  1. Breeders often give them funny names to make them more marketable, including: Party Poodles, Tuxedo Poodles, or Phantom Poodles.
  2. Solid color varieties are more expensive because they are considered more desirable.
  3. They absolutely love water, but don’t let them swim in deep water – they’re so small they could easily drown.
  4. Some people believe they are produced by breeding runes from Toy Poodle litters to produce the smallest possible version of a poodle. It is difficult to confirm this claim as Teacup Poodle breeders do not publish much information about the breeding process.
  5. They have a very small litter size of 2 to 4 puppies.

Teacup Poodle Personality and Temperament

If you are looking for a playful and cuddly dog, a Teacup Poodle is a great choice. They love attention and always want to be close to you. They are so attached to their owner that they suffer from separation anxiety, so you can’t really leave them alone for long periods of time.

Their willingness to attract attention, however, makes them very loyal.

These puppies are extremely playful but play with caution. Brutal play can lead to unforeseen injuries (internal and external). As you play, make sure you are very gentle and not too loud.

Although these dogs are very playful, they only have a moderate level of activity. If you are not an active person, they might be right for you. Their tiny bodies can only hold a limited amount of energy, so they don’t need as much exercise as large dog breeds .

A few short walks and a little play time will keep them happy.

They have a watchdog nature (although they have the least intimidating appearance of any dog ​​breed out there), so they sometimes bark excessively if not trained. Due to their intelligence, this problem is quite easy to correct.

Due to their pleasant disposition, socialization comes naturally to these puppies. They love to meet new people and love the attention.

They get along well with other animals, but keep them away from large animals to avoid injury.

Is a full grown Teacup Poodle a good family dog?

Teacup Poodles are just a good family dog ​​for older families. Young children can often be too chaotic for these nervous puppies – small children also cannot comprehend how much care needs to be taken with these little puppies.

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Caring for a teacup poodle

Don’t let their pretty face fool you, they require constant care. These puppies are definitely not for first-time dog owners.

Teacup Poodles have delicate coats to care for and need to be constantly watched. They also have dietary restrictions and are accompanied by many medical conditions. Fortunately, these puppies don’t require a lot of exercise.

Exercise requirements

They have a moderate level of energy, so they don’t need an excessive amount of exercise per day.

Two 10-minute walks a day with 20-30 minutes of play should be enough.

Exercising them can be a bit tricky as they are incredibly fragile. Their tiny bodies take long walks, play outside, and even run dangerously. With the right precautions, you can easily exhaust them.

It is important that you use a harness when walking them. Because they have such a small neck, a simple pull on a leash can cause serious injury to your puppy if he is wearing a regular collar.

You can take them outside, but you have to watch them very closely. They can easily jump from heights and injure themselves, squeeze under fences, or even become easy prey for coyotes or large birds. Never take your eyes off one of these puppies.

  • Number of walks per day: 2.
  • Total exercise required per day: at least 30 minutes.

Grooming and rejection

Grooming is probably the most complex aspect of these adorable dogs .

Teacup poodles have the same curly, medium-length, thick coats as regular poodles. The advantage of these elastic curls is that they don’t lose – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to take care of their fur.

They should be brushed daily.

Their tight curls can easily become tangled or tangled, so brushing them often is essential to remove dead hair from their coat. Because they have small curls, you can’t brush them exactly like you would other dog breeds. It is recommended that you wet her hair with a spray bottle before brushing to avoid your breakable puppy’s pain and help you brush easily.

Finally, the last part of their extensive grooming routine is watching their tear stains. It is very common to see brown grime under the inner corner of their eyes. To reduce tear stains, you can purchase a stain remover.

Diet and diet

Since these puppies are so small, it is very easy to overfeed them.

These little guys can get a little big quickly. To avoid an overweight puppy, give them only half a cup of kibble per day. Feeding them several times a day is especially important to prevent your friend from developing low blood sugar.

Any type of food (wet or dry) will work, but it’s best to buy dog ​​food made specifically for small breeds of dogs, it will help keep those extra pounds off your puppy. It is also important to purchase a food rich in protein to give your Teacup Miniature Poodle the energy he needs to maintain his playful personality.

While you may be tempted to feed them the rest of your dinner, it is very important that you resist the urge.

Avoid feeding them human remains as this will quickly lead to obesity.

Known health issues

Unfortunately, these beautiful puppies can suffer from many illnesses. Because the regulations on breeding Teacup poodles are not very strict, many health issues have arisen.

  • Due to their small hip size and elbow dysplasia are very common. This is a condition that causes joint instability in the hip and / or elbow, which can be very painful for your dog.
  • They can also suffer from dislocation of the kneecap (slipped kneecaps) as they tend to pull dangerous stunts (like jumping off the couch) and they injure their fragile bones quite easily.
  • Unfortunately, they have many medical issues involving their adrenal glands, including Addison’s disease and Cushing’s syndrome. Both conditions can be fatal if left untreated, so it’s important to watch them for any of these symptoms and alert your vet if there are any issues.
  • In addition to all of these conditions, they can develop diabetes, epilepsy, heart murmurs, blindness (caused by progressive retinal atrophy), skin allergies and ear infections.
  • Although these dogs are very cute, they hide many physical ailments behind their adorable faces. This is a perfect example of how selective breeding to produce cute, plush dogs usually takes its toll.

How Long Does a Teacup Poodle Live?

Even with the health issues mentioned above, they can live for 8 to 15 years.

How much does a poodle cost in a cup of tea?

Teacup poodles from breeders are quite expensive and can cost anywhere from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000.

If you’re willing to save one at a shelter, they usually only cost around $ 400.

You should expect to spend around $ 950 per year on various expenses such as food, vet bills, grooming, and toys.

How to train a full grown teacup poodle

They’re extremely smart, which makes training pretty easy as long as you stick to a positive reinforcement-based workout routine .

Because they are so small and anxious, positive reinforcement is extremely important . Using negative reinforcement such as yelling would be too intimidating for their nervous temperament.

It is important to start training as soon as they get home. If you wait too long, these furry little babies can become stubborn and develop Little Dog Syndrome. It is important that your puppy realizes that he is not responsible.

The most important behavior in training your Teacup Poodle is to control its barking. By nature they love to bark but if you live in an apartment this is not ideal. You can accomplish this by rewarding your puppy for his calm demeanor.

Because these dogs are so intelligent, it’s important to constantly keep their minds stimulated. Their bodies aren’t as strong as their minds, so stay away from games that physically challenge them.

Instead, play games that appeal to their intelligence. One of their favorite games is hide and seek.

You can also fill your house with small toys that will keep them occupied for hours in addition to providing them with regular exercise. Socialization is also very important.

By nature, these puppies are loving and affectionate, but if you don’t introduce them to people at a young age, they can get nervous about new people in the future.

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