Interviewing is Less About What You Tell & More About How You Tell It

You got the interview! You sent your thank-you emails and are ready to wow an interviewer. But wait … you’re not quite sure how. Don’t worry: we’ve got tips; on how to act during the interview itself; and how to follow up after the interview. The key to a successful interview is preparation, articulate communication, and (while you’re at it) a little bit of charisma. Here are our top tips for interview success:

Practice Good Nonverbal Communication

When you’re interviewing, remember to display confidence by standing straight, making eye contact, and giving a firm handshake. This way, you’ll make an excellent first impression of the interviewer. Your resume and portfolio will help, but so will your confidence during all phases of your interview. If this sounds like advice you’ve heard before, it may be because \”practice makes perfect\”—in any situation.

Dressing for the Job

Dressing for the Job Your first impression is a lasting one. Just as the clothes you wear to work make a statement about you, so does how you present yourself in an interview. Whether you are dressing for an interview or everyday work, the key is to be professional — not flashy. Many people assume that wearing a suit to an interview will make them look more professional, but it can have the opposite effect if the suit’s collar or cuffs are frayed, if sleeves are too short or worn with a sweater instead of a shirt, or if they’re wearing something overly trendy. What’s Best? It’s best to dress no more formally than your prospective employer dresses. So when meeting with people at a computer software firm, feel free to wear jeans — just don’t leave your shirt untucked. When in doubt, overdress rather than underdress. It’s easier to take off a jacket than to add one on (just remember: no jeans). Some Tips for Dressing Professionally Use good taste and common sense when selecting clothes for an interview. Err on the conservative side — suits and ties won’t help you get hired at any but the most traditional companies; simple, ironed blouses and shirts are fine.


Good job listening! You want to get selected for this job, but keep listening—interviews are two-way streets. Listen to the information the interviewer is giving you and confirm your understanding. This shows you can follow directions and greatly increases your chances of getting the job.

Don’t Talk Too Much

You don’t want to talk too much during an interview. When you have not prepared answers to typical interview questions, you may ramble and give the interviewer more information than he needs to know. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position’s requirements, and relating only that information.

Don’t Be Too Familiar.

Don’t be too familiar. A job interview is a business meeting to talk about your skills, knowledge, and experience. Don’t let nervousness get the best of you and make you act like a buddy with your interviewer.

Use Appropriate Language

Use appropriate language. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics, or sexual orientation—these topics could send you out the door very quickly.

Ask Questions

Ask insightful questions that demonstrate your interest in the answers, and you’ll be the star of the interview show. Listen to what you’re asked during the interview and ask for additional information. Be sure to probe in-depth on important issues, and make sure you hear a clear answer before deciding on a company and role.

While these interview strategies are tried and true, there’s always more you can do to stand out from the crowd. Please review the job description, research the company and visit its website to learn what it does, who its customers are, and what traits it values in employees. This will give you a better sense of how to frame your answers and help you make a connection between what you have to offer and what the company is looking for.

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